Inženjering za industrijska
i energetska postrojenja d.o.o.

Kozarčaninova 3, HR-10000 ZAGREB

Poslovna jedinica:
Unska 3 (FER)
10 000 Zagreb
tel/fax: 01/6129-846
e-mail: peo@peo.hr

About us

The company “P.E.O.” engineering for industrial plant and energy facilities Ltd. with headquarters in Zagreb, Kozarčaninova 3, was founded in early 1991 and is entirely privately owned. The founders and shareholders basic idea was to bring together a range of experts with extensive experience in the field of electrical and automation, who are grouped in teams of experts in order to solve specific problems of end-users. In order to reach this specific goal, the company established the branch office in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing premises at the end of 1995.